Monday, April 25, 2011

Packing & Plane Prep

Packing is truly an art, and not the kind i'm good at. Recently I learned that for all your special shirts and dresses you do not want to get wrinkly you can simply roll it up as if it were a towel, who knew. I'm bringing lots of clothes because I don't really know what to expect in terms of appropriate fashion in regards to the weather/culture---I heard its very hot in China around this time. I have 3 pairs of jeans, 8 pairs of shorts, 2 dresses, 4 skirts, and 9 tank tops and 5 tee shirts and 4 collared shirts....hope this will do...

If packing wasn't difficult enough, I've now spent 3 hours trying to put together a playlist for the plane with  16 hours worth of music...ahhhh!!! If the playlist doesn't work out I always pack a few books to read on the plane --- I just started For One More Day by Mitch Albom. It's really sad but intriguing.

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