Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 2 and pictures of the factories

Yesterday, Wendy, Philip, and my dad and I visited 4 different factories. It was really intense, the factory workers work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and they are not allowed to talk to one another or in some cases take bathroom breaks. Day after day they sit in an over crowded, humid room, sewing, gluing, cutting, and packaging various products. People in America have no idea how much goes into manufacturing a handbag and all the little pieces and parts to it. Next time you purchase a new bag, take a second to really look at it, the stiching, the hardware, the inner linning---it's all hand made by factory workers---there is no fancy machine that can do what they do. Something to think about is the fact that just because a brand is very high end doesn't mean the production side of it was. Prada and many other european brands will say "made in italy"to make their products seem more luxurious and expensive, when all the work is done in china in these factories (by kids our age and younger may I add) and the only thing that is done in europe is packaging.

There were piles and piles of bags everywhere you looked, like Prada, to Marc Jacobs, to Juicy Couture, and of course lots and lots of Coach. With all those designer labels and expensive leather, the factory workers are surronded by materials/products worth millions of dollars. Yet most of them will only make about 300 dollars a month. Kind of a slap in the face don't you think?

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